The New Mexico Quarter Horse Association is the premier association dedicated to serving AQHA enthusiasts in the State of New Mexico and surrounding areas. As the New Mexico AQHA Affiliate our goal is to promote the American Quarter Horse and act as a resource for all American Quarter Horse owners, breeders, exhibitors, and supporters. We are dedicated to supporting all AQHA adventures from racing, ranching, showing, breeding, or just simply riding.
We would love for you to join! Support your AQHA State Affiliate.
Click the link below to download and print out the membership form.
Once filled out, mail with your check to :
P.O. Box 11
Peralta, NM 87042
Brenda Schlote,, membership committee chairman,
Please keep us informed of any changes in your contact information.
The Case for NMQHA Membership:
Membership honors the purpose of promoting the American Quarter Horse.
Membership enhances and secures the legacy thread of past and future generations of members.
Membership is a conduit for new members to become part of the AQHA/NMQHA family of those with like interests.
Membership provides a structure of accountability that provides healthy guardianship.
Membership gives individuals a “voice” in the Association.
Membership is required for eligibility for end-of-year Awards.
Membership is required for candidacy to the NMQHA Board of Directors.
Deann Atchley
Rick Baugh
Cal R. Brandt, Director at large
Ruth P Dismuke-Blakely, Director at Large
Dirk Jones, Director at Large
Anna Riggs-Eader, Director at large
Jason Turner
NMQHA Land Of Enchantment Circuit sponsorship form